My untitled photograph is included in the East Bay Photo Collective’s first online exhibition, Imagined Destinations: Reframing the Familiar. The exhibition is online here.
Travel often reveals new viewpoints from which to experience and rethink our day-to-day lives. In a time when travel and vacation are far-off luxuries, how do we locate the unfamiliar around us and appreciate our immediate surroundings in novel ways?
In the words of French philosopher Gaston Bachelard in The Poetics of Space,
...the places in which we have experienced daydreaming reconstitute themselves in a new daydream, and it is because our memories of former dwelling-places are relived as daydreams that these dwelling-places of the past remain in us all the time.
The photographs in this exhibition explore imagined travel, locations that remind us of places where we have journeyed, and new perspectives on where we live.
There will be an online opening reception via Zoom this Saturday, May 9, from 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. - details are here.
The exhibition was juried by Beatrice Thornton, an Oakland, CA-based archivist, historian, and digital asset manager and EBPCO’s Exhibitions Coordinator. She holds an M.A. from the Bard Graduate Center in the History of Design, Decorative Arts, and Material Culture, and an Advanced Certificate in Archives and Records Management from Long Island University’s Palmer School of Library Science.